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Want to be the Most Beautiful Woman in the Room?

June 24, 2020

Hi beautiful gal! I bet you are, indeed, already the most beautiful woman in the room. But then again, I think the 10 tips I’m sharing today serve as good reminders for all of us. I’m sharing practical how-to’s that will truly make you shine. I hope you’ll watch today’s YouTube video.

YouTube video about how to be the Most Beautiful Woman in the room by Kay Harms at

Now, as you may have guessed, these are not just beauty tips. However, some of them absolutely do have to do with our appearance. But, as the old saying goes, pretty is as pretty does. So, yes, some of today’s tips have more to do with our behavior than our beauty treatments.

Check out today’s video and then join the conversation. Let me know if you have other tips. What makes a woman the most beautiful woman in the room in your estimation? And if you haven’t already, please subscribe to my channel. Giving me a “thumbs up,” subscribing to my channel and leaving comments on YouTube will help grow my channel so that I can continue to do this.

In today’s video I’m wearing one of my favorite outfits. I really like these cafe colored chino shorts, but I especially love my black silky cotton lantern top. It’s so effortlessly chic, and yet very comfortable and versatile. And both the shorts and the top are marked waaaay down. Oh, and they’re available in other colors, too.

My outfit and my jewelry and belt are all included in the shopping widget below. Oh, and by the way, you can’t see them, but I was wearing these cute black flip flops!

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You can shop the look through the links in the copy above or through the shopping widget below. Sale prices are not always reflected in the widget, so click through to get pricing info. Remember, if you purchase anything through these links I potentially earn a commission, but at no cost to you. Thank you for shopping through Dressed for My Day. I am grateful!

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Blessed for My Day

Really, I think I’ve said enough on the subject today. You tell me. What makes a woman the most beautiful woman in the room to you?

Your adornment must not be merely external—braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. ~ 1 Peter 3:3-4

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xoxo, Kay
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30 thoughts on “Want to be the Most Beautiful Woman in the Room?

  1. I loved this video and I so wish I could be that beautiful woman you describe. Unfortunately, I suffer from acute shyness. In fact, growing up, people considered me stuck up. I don’t like to be the center of attention. When someone talks directly to me, and I attempt to respond naturally, I can feel my face turning bright red because I know the person is focusing on my response.. The red embarrassment would of course be fodder for classmates/friends/acquaintances to tease me about. The teasing caused more embarrassment. It got to the place where it was just easier to fade into the background. So, I tend to shy away from starting conversations; from hosting gatherings; from volunteering to head up projects….those things just aren’t in my nature. I am definitely better than I used to be but I have a long way to go.

    1. Ahh, how brave of you to admit your shyness, though. We are all created differently and beautifully. It very well may be that your quietness is a blessing to many people. A woman certainly doesn’t have to be the life of the party to bring life to a room. You be you! Thanks so much for sharing. ?

    2. Hi Michele, I just want to say hi! I am sure you are a lovely person and I hope you have a nice day! I tend to be quieter also, especially in a larger group, but like to visit one on one with friends.

    3. Hi Michele,
      When I read your comment, my heart heard your pain. I too used to be an extremely shy person who always felt out of place in social gatherings. I too was the one who shriveled into the background. In my journey with the LORD and through other circumstances God has brought me out of my shell even calling me to speak in front of 500 women at one point. I’m not shy anymore but my nature is quiet and I’ve learned to embrace that. God designed you uniquely you! I bet your shyness, or rather quiet nature, allows you to really hear others and be sensitive towards their needs. Know that you are valuable to God and others can grow and benefit greatly from your gentle, quiet spirit. May I encourage you to use the gifts and talents God has blessed you with. Just reading your comment here, you have a way with words and writing. You may feel bad for not being able to engage with someone face to face but you could send them a hand-written note of encouragement that would bless their day and they’d get to know you better from your thoughtfulness towards them! In fact your vulnerability to share what you shared here has blessed me! Have a beautiful day Michele!

    4. Great tips for sure ?. A couple things I would add:
      Always be true to yourself and your values.
      Be natural; if you aren’t comfortable starting conversation then be open to engaging with others with eye contact and a smile. People will forgive shyness but not insincerity.
      And, confidence. Even if you have to fake it till you make it. It becomes easier with time and practice , and no, this doesn’t conflict with being sincere if you truly want to be there and really care about the people you are with.
      Thanks Kay for the video! Awesome as always.

  2. Good morning, Kay! Your video was wonderful! The world needs more kindness and inner beauty. I cringe at the terrible language, hateful looks and behavior that we see. It is evident so many are in pain. Your video is a reminder that all of us can be an instrument of peace with each caring interaction with others. I look forward to seeing & hearing you every Wednesday. I think another tip for being a beautiful woman is to stay away from harmful gossip and to try to redirect conversations away from such when initiated by others. Thank you for being such a positive influencer!

    1. Hi Jan. Thanks so much for watching. Yes, I agree completely. And it takes real courage and tact to do that, doesn’t it. I appreciate you sharing this tip. ❤️

  3. I’m new to your website and YouTube channel. A friend recommended you to me when I posted a question on Facebook saying even though I’m 55 I didn’t know my style but just recently discovered Ted Baker brand at Nordstrom. I that that style suits me. I enjoy your tips and am finding valuable information. Thank you. You are so gracious and humble and beautiful.

    Many years ago I read Norman Vincent Peale’s book How to Win Friends and Influence People. I never liked the title because it seems manipulative but the information was invaluable. One point that stood out was to consider how you make people feel valued. You make them feel valued by asking about them (just like you said). When people walk away from time with you they don’t think about your fancy car, your gold jewelry, etc. They think about how you made THEM feel.

    I was in a book club and every meeting their were two women who fought for time to discuss their vacations, their lives, etc. It seemed like a competition of who could top whom. They rarely let others speak, and we never ever talked about our book. It was incredibly frustrating.

    Whenever we have company I always remind my husband (and myself), it’s about the other person. Not about us!

    1. Hi Lucille. Thanks so much for introducing yourself. Welcome to Dressed for My Day. Your insights are dead on. Thanks so much for sharing them. A wonderful example of why it’s so important to learn the knack of shifting attention to other people. Blessings to you!

  4. Kay, those 10 tips were “spot on,” in my opinion. It is so important to include those around you and make them feel good, too!
    One additional tip I would like to include is at a luncheon or wherever you are dining with a group, be sure to talk equally with the people on each side of you. Nothing makes anyone feel worse than the person right beside of you, who never engages you in conversation. I try to engage with the people around me, so everyone feels a part of the conversation.

  5. Hi Kay! I was touched by Michelle’s comment. My daughter is painfully shy, always has been. One of the things I admire about you Michelle, about my daughter, and about everyone else who struggles with this is your ability to listen with your hearts. Genuine, concerned listening. You see, I am the opposite and love conversation. Conversation bubbles out of me. I have had to learn by hard experiences and most importantly by prayer how to truly listen in the wonderful way you precious shy ones just naturally conduct yourselves. My late mother was also very shy as is my oldest brother. Still waters run deep and true.
    Thank you, Kay. You are gifted! Your post today was enrichment to the soul.
    Suzanne Kerr

  6. Hi Kay and thanks for all the tips. I loved the video and I smiled the whole time. It’s an energy I receive being around other women who are spirit filled. There’s just a strength I can sense within myself and draw from while engaging in conversation. I enjoy so much being around faith filled women. Thanks for your insight.

  7. I once knew two sisters. Someone told me before I met them that Karon was beautiful.When I met them. I was shocked. Sharon was stunning and Karon was rather plain.
    A year later I was talking about them and I mentioned how beautiful Karon was. It occurred to me what I had said and I realized that the reason everyone thought Karon was beautiful was her caring and loving personality while Sharon was rather shallow. Who you are on the inside does show on the outside.

  8. Kay, your video was fabulous! Thank you for sharing those points, I agree with them all. I so appreciate your wisdom and your sweet spirit! Have a blessed day!

  9. Great ideas/advice we can all use! Facial expressions, posture, they can say a lot! A really good video I will remember to refer to! Thanks!

  10. Kay, You come across in your videos as a super nice person or pretty on the inside as well as on the outside. My dad always told me that ” pretty is as pretty does”. Thank you for this video today. I think it is my favorite so far! I have shared it on FB, so people in Central Ohio will be seeing it, too!

  11. Kay, Loved this video! Your points were spot on. I especially agree with the last point of mentioning a person by name. I was surprised when I began getting your emails and seeing my name listed in the greeting. I felt as though you were speaking directly to me and this got my attention. This is something I don’t see other bloggers doing.
    Definitely going to be rewatching this one again and again.
    You seem like such a genuine lady. Would love to meet you in person.

    1. Thanks so much for watching, MaryAnn. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Sometimes trying to use people’s names gets me in trouble, too. I forget names more easily than I used to, and sometimes I accidentally call people the wrong name! But I do try. Thanks so much for stopping in and leaving a comment!

  12. Thank you for these great tips, Kay. These things are lacking in the younger generation and I want to be sure to teach my 13 year old daughters the importance of beauty from inside and making others feel loved and cherished.
