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10 Tips for Staying Fit Through the Holidays

active wear
December 7, 2020

Happy Monday! Have you started celebrating Christmas yet? You know what I mean by celebrating, right? Have you had your favorite peppermint chip shake, your gingerbread spice latte, or a big mug of hot cocoa with marshmallows? Have you nibbled on Christmas cookies, whipped up a batch of fudge (and licked the pan???) or enjoyed a warm cranberry orange muffin with your tea? Yeah, that kind of celebrating! That’s what I thought. Me, too. So I thought this would be a good day to share some tips for staying fit through the holidays…while modeling a cute outfit, of course. Ha!

10 Tips to Help You Stay Fit through the holidays (1)

The dilemma

Not only do treats abound during the holidays, but it also gets seasonably cold and wet outside. Add to that the stress of decorating and shopping – and social distancing & sanitizing & masking! – and it’s especially challenging to stay fit and healthy at this time of year. Yes, our stress level really does play a major role in our ability lose or maintain weight.

But it’s not impossible to stay fit this time of year. Let’s see if we can get through the holidays this year and still feel good about our health, our waistline and our fitness level.

10 Tips to Help You Stay Fit through the holidays (1)
boundless performance pocket tights (fleece lined tights) // cozy pullover in spruce heather // Katahdin hiker socks in deep admiral blue // mountain pile fleece vest in natural // pom hat in charcoal // Blondo waterproof boots // earrings // similar water bottle

Tip #1 – Grab the green every chance you get.

I’m learning to opt for a side salad instead of the customary fries, a side of steamed broccoli instead of the creamy casserole or an apple instead of the baguette at Panera. Yeah, I’d rather have the heavy starch, but if I can give a little here and eat the green vegetable or fresh fruit instead, I can enjoy the other yummy things at the appropriate times without guilt.

Tip #2 – Drink a lot. A lot of water, that is!

With so many more merry options during the holidays, it’s easy to slack up on our H2O consumption. But drinking plenty of water helps keep our bodies well hydrated so we can fight illness, digest our food more easily, keep our joints and muscles healthy and keep our skin more vibrant. Make a plan to drink at least half an ounce of water for each pound you weigh. For instance, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should try to drink about 75 ounces of water each day.

Tips for Staying Fit Through the Holidays
boundless performance pocket tights (fleece lined tights) // cozy pullover in spruce heather // Katahdin hiker socks in deep admiral blue // mountain pile fleece vest in natural // pom hat in charcoal // Blondo waterproof boots // earrings // similar water bottle

Tip #3 – Plan ahead to treat yourself…and wait for it.

There are certain goodies I just “have to have” to feel like I’ve celebrated the holidays. I want some rich, chocolatey fudge, something spiked with cranberries and oranges, a few traditional Christmas cookies and my favorite sausage and cheese balls. If I plan ahead to treat myself to each of these in moderation I don’t feel like I have grab all the things every chance I get. Instead I can exercise a little self-discipline each day in anticipation of the well-deserved and hard-earned treats. I generally spread the indulgences out over the course of the holidays so I don’t feel sluggish and stuffed from too much all at once.

Tip #4 – Hold on tight to healthy habits.

Undoubtedly you, like me, have worked hard to establish some healthy habits like exercising regularly, awaking at the same time each day, going for a walk each evening or ceasing from eating at a certain time. I encourage us to cling to those cultivated habits even as the days become less predictable. Yes, we can give ourselves some grace when we diverge from them a little. But let’s just get right back on the wagon if we fall off.

Tips for Staying Fit Through the Holidays
boundless performance pocket tights (fleece lined tights) // cozy pullover in spruce heather // mountain pile fleece vest in natural // pom hat in charcoal // earrings // similar water bottle

Tip #5 – Sleep it off.

Quality sleep is so important to our health. In fact, if you don’t get the sleep your body needs, it will begin to hold onto fat instead of burning it. Plus, sleep helps us to handle stress and fight infection. Make an effort to go to bed and arise at your regular times whenever possible. And don’t forget to settle in for a long winter’s nap occasionally, too.

Tips for Staying Fit Through the Holidays
boundless performance pocket tights (fleece lined tights) // cozy pullover in spruce heather // pom hat in charcoal // earrings

Tip #6 – Pick a number and hit it daily.

Goals help us to reach our ideals more frequently and consistently. Pick your number and aim to hit it every day. Each day you could aim to achieve one or more of these:

  • take a 30 minute walk
  • get in 10,000 steps
  • dance to 5 songs
  • crank out 100 crunches
  • jog 2 miles
  • pump out 50 push-ups
  • jump rope for 15 minutes
Tips for Staying Fit Through the Holidays
boundless performance pocket tights (fleece lined tights) // Katahdin hiker socks in deep admiral blue // Blondo waterproof boots

Tip #7 – Take a walk!

If you don’t have time to get to the gym or take a full class, you can still get in a good workout with a simple walk around the neighborhood. And if you don’t feel up to a jog, it’s quite okay to walk instead. A 30 minute brisk walk is enough to keep your joints more limber, work out your heart and even change your perspective.

Tip #8 – Team up.

I’m a firm believer in the benefits of accountability. Be forthcoming and invite a friend or family member to help you stay on track. Check in with each other each day or once a week, encouraging each other with exercise, good nutrition and other healthy habits.

Tips for Staying Fit Through the Holidays
fleece-lined pom hat in charcoal // earrings

Tip #9 – Get outside, even if it’s cold.

Well that sounds simple enough. But as the weather gets colder and wetter the idea becomes a little more daunting. But a daily walk of just 30 minutes could be enough to keep weight gain at bay and your immune system in check. So purchase the cold-weather garments and accessories you’ll need to get out there in the elements. It’s worth 30 minutes to breathe fresh air and get your legs moving.

Tip #10 – Make a plan and work the plan.

Even if you need to adapt your current fitness plan to work a little better for you during the holiday season, it’s important to keep working a plan. Otherwise, one day off the plan turns into two turns into four turns into a week. (I know because it happened to me last week!)

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss has helped me develop personal plans in the areas of nutrition and fitness that work for me. Plus it provides the accountability I need. I got back on the wagon this weekend, and I’ll be sticking to my plan from here on out. I encourage you to have some sort of plan in place, especially as we approach the new year. And if you’d like to know more about the FASTer Way, just ask me or check out their website here.

Tips for Staying Fit Through the Holidays
boundless performance pocket tights (fleece lined tights) // cozy pullover in spruce heather // Katahdin hiker socks in deep admiral blue // mountain pile fleece vest in natural // pom hat in charcoal // Blondo waterproof boots // earrings // similar water bottle

Bonus Tip – Have fun!

Forget “exercise” and go have some fun instead. Take a hike in the snow. Try ice skating or cross country skiing. Dance to the oldies in your living room. Invite a friend to join you for a walk in a nearby park. Take a thermos of hot cocoa to enjoy midway. And then have some more fun the next day!

Tips to Stay Fit through the Holidays
boundless performance pocket tights (fleece lined tights) // cozy pullover in spruce heather // Katahdin hiker socks in deep admiral blue // mountain pile fleece vest in natural // pom hat in charcoal // Blondo waterproof boots // earrings // similar water bottle

Thanks so much for stopping in today. I hope you got a little fitness and fashion inspiration. And I wish you a healthy and safe holiday season. Christmas blessings!

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Blessed for My Day

Zechariah blessed his newborn son John with a commissioning and a prayer of praise for what God was going to do through him. I love that He praised “the tender mercy of our God.” Indeed, it was out of mercy that God sent His only Son to “visit us.” And as the Scripture says, He shines His light on those who sin in darkness and the shadow of death, and He guides our feet into the way of peace.

That’s exactly what this world is desperate for, don’t you think? We need the Light of the world to enlighten the dark crevices of our world, giving hope to those who sit in the shadow of death, separated from their Creator by their sin. Also we need Him to light the way to true peace. We may try to placate and pander peace, but only Jesus, the Prince of Peace, can give people true peace – within, with their God and with their fellow man. This Christmas let’s celebrate the hope and peace and joy that Jesus brings.

“Because of the tender mercy of our God,
With which the Sunrise from on high will visit us,
To shine on those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,
To guide our feet into the way of peace.” ~ Luke 1:78-79

Spread the love
xoxo, Kay
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20 thoughts on “10 Tips for Staying Fit Through the Holidays

  1. I’m interested in FWTWL. Is it very expensive? Even though I am retired I was working part-time to supplement my income. With covid 8 haven’t worked since March so I don’t have a lot of extra funds. Thank you for your inspiration Kay. ❣

    1. Hi Christine. For me, it was expensive, but money well spent. At the time I did the initial program I wasn’t working at all and we were still living on one income. But I used some money I received for Christmas for my first 6-week round and for my second round I asked for it to be my birthday present from my husband. Honestly for me, the price I paid was part of the motivation to stick with the program. When I look back over my life I realize everything I stick with and that is fruitful in my life requires a financial sacrifice and investment – Bible study, the writer’s conference I attended when I started freelancing, producing this blog, etc.

      The cost is $199 for the 6 week program but you get immediate access to the app and all the materials right away and the program doesn’t actually kick off until January 4. Plus they’ll do an additional intro week so the program is really 7 weeks. So if you register right now you get a tremendous deal. And for me it was truly life-changing and so educational. You can get all the deets here:

  2. Kay, you look adorable in your pom pom hat or toboggan as I call it. Great suggestions!!! Yes, I have started celebrating early…Yes, one day off my treadmill turned into one week off and so on and so on. Thank you Kay, I needed these reminders. Have a great day and week.

    1. I’m with you! But I got out for good brisk walks Friday and Sunday and I’m heading out again this morning. (I’ve done something to my back so I won’t be doing the FWTFL hiit workout for a few days – that’s another thing that often happens to me when I don’t exercise regularly: I get injured doing the simplest things because I’m not moving my body enough!)

  3. Great tips Kay…..I workout about 5-6 days a week. I walk on the treadmill, lift small amount weights. I should drink more water though. Love the photos with the snow melting.


  4. I was doing so well with my fitness routine until I broke my ankle in late September. It’s been a long road back but I am hoping by January to get back to taking my dogs for their morning and evening walks ! I’m sure they miss it too. I pray every day for light to our troubled world. Thanks for the inspiration today . ?

    1. Oh my! I know that can be a long journey. My daughter broke her ankle one spring and was off it completely for 8 weeks. Bless your heart. I’m sure you’ll get back to where you want to be quickly. ?

  5. This really is a great post! I needed to hear all of it. I’ve always been a big walker but due to advanced arthritis in both knees, I haven’t walked at all this year. I can’t go into a store unless I have a cart to lean on. But I have been working out three times a week, lifting and strengthening my legs. The first knee gets done in January, that is if the hospitals aren’t too full! I find it’s really important to focus on the other wellness tips. So thank you for the reminder! I’m making a plan today.

    1. Hi Beverly. You are so right. We have to focus on what we CAN control, especially when we have circumstances that create challenges in other areas. I love your attitude. I do hope you are able to get your surgery in January. Bless you. And thank you so much for sharing.

  6. Thanks for the pep talk Kay! I really needed that this morning as I’m trying to jump start my fitness routine!
    I absolutely love your posts! I just recently discovered you and I look forward to your sweet words of inspiration every day!
    It motivates me to do a little better and to actually make an effort to be mindful about what I’m wearing regardless of what I’m doing.
    Also, loved your Hallmark post! I do enjoy the Hallmark movies and you hit that spot on! So fun!
    Thank you!

  7. Appreciated this today— from your outfit, to your tips, and especially your daily blessings. Thank YOU for being a daily blessing in so many ways. I wear some version of this outfit every day now on my walks or runs. I cannot praise the introduction to fleece lined leggings or pants enough for cold weather activities. And, waterproof active footwear for that matter.

    I am intrigued by those Blondo hiking boots with the side zipper as well as the laces.
    Thanks for the inspiration once again for dressing for my day.

  8. Thanks for the reminders, Kay! I sure needed to hear it. Your outfit is adorable. That pom pom hat is perfect. BFMD was spot on as usual.
    Have a blessed day, Kay,

  9. We just walked to the grocery store and back rather than driving and then I spent about 30 minutes shoveling snow. Now THAT’S a workout!

    1. I get up between 5:30 and 7:00. Honestly I give myself leeway there. I have so many nights when I don’t sleep well for one reason or the other. But I’m always up by 7:00. I’m starting to do my Bible reading in bed, too. I think that is helping me “get up” a little earlier.

  10. Thanks Kay I needed that kick start today. Went out for a good walk at lunch. Seriously considering FWTFL after thinking about it for a year. I downloaded the free pkg and will try out the recipes etc for the next few days. I will decide by Saturday, hopefully they don’t fill up and close registration by then but I need to be sure I will be willing to follow the meal plans before committing the money.

  11. Such good info. Thanks for sharing. You are truly an inspiration! I try and do keto Mon-Thurs and then lighten up on weekends so that I can have the best of both worlds especially at Christmastime. Merry Christmas to you and yours!!
