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The Beauty of Joy and How to Cultivate It

December 21, 2019
On Saturdays we talk about Inner beauty

Happy Saturday, dear gal. Thank you for dropping in today. I hope your weekend is exactly as you need it to be – either laid back and restful, productive and smooth or full of sweet conversations and fun activities. Take your pick! I just hope you get what you need at this point in the holiday season. Speaking of the holidays, I thought today we’d talk briefly about the beauty of joy.

The beauty of joy and how to cultivate it

When I think of Christmas and the surrounding holidays, I think of joy. That’s the goal, right? To feel joyful during these days of remembrance and celebration and anticipation? And joy is such a beautiful emotion or attitude.

Joy radiates. It starts with an ember of delight planted deep within a willing heart. But then it’s fanned into full flame until it warms that heart, causing it to treat others with gentleness and kindness and encouragement. Joy is contagious, too. Like a gently burning fire that warms all those who pass by, a woman filled with joy touches the lives around her with a little hope, a few kind words, a gracious smile and maybe even some well timed laughter.

I love being around joyful people.

A woman with joy maintains a sense of humor during difficult days. Her lips turn up into at least a bit of a smile even when those around her have lost theirs. She has a lilt in her voice and a pep in her step. Her words remain hopeful and, even when the prospects look dim, she still has a measure of courage to keep going.

Plus, joy is just fun. When we have joy we stop taking everything so seriously. We let go of offenses and grab hold of potential. We look on the bright side and hum to ourselves. We laugh out loud and help others to loosen up, too.

Joy is beautiful.

Here’s What I Know About Cultivating Joy

Joy is part of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life (Galatians 5:22-23). A person who has been redeemed and is walking with Christ has every reason to be full of joy. In fact, to be joy-less is to indicate that something is wrong with that crucial relationship.

Joy isn’t dependent on the people in my life. I can’t expect other people to give me joy. If joy is a result of knowing God and having Him within, then people can neither be responsible for giving me my joy nor steal it.

Joy isn’t circumstantial. My level of happiness may hinge on my circumstances, but joy hinges on the completed work of Christ. So if I have joy it should prevail even when times get tough.

Joy is contagious. So I can spread some joy. I can also benefit from being around people who are full of true joy. That’s why it’s so important to me to attend church on Sundays and be a part of a vital and lively small group of believers.

Joy is a choice. Paul exhorted the Philippian believers over and over to choose joy (Philippians 4:4-9). In tough times, in good times, with difficult people and with easy-going folks, we can choose to rejoice. Choosing joy may include:

  • going for a walk when I’d rather lie on my sofa and sulk
  • smiling when I’d rather pout
  • joining in when I’d rather sit this one out
  • counting my blessings instead of my troubles
  • believing God’s got this instead of fretting
  • pressing on instead of backing out
  • singing a song when I’d rather cry

Joy gives me and others around me strength. Nehemiah encouraged the people not to be grieved but to remember that, “the joy of the Lord is your strength.” When I choose to tap into God’s joy, it furnishes me with resolve and courage and strength to press on. My joy can also give my family and friends strength, too.

As Christmas approaches, let’s think seriously about whether or not we are women of joy. Let’s evaluate whether our days are characterized by worry and woes or joy and laughter. Regardless of our circumstances or those around us, let’s choose joy. And here’s to spreading a little of that joy with those we love and those we meet this Christmas season.

Spread the love
xoxo, Kay
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12 thoughts on “The Beauty of Joy and How to Cultivate It

  1. Kay, God has blessed you with the gift of being a writer. This is beautifully written. I chose the word “JOY” for my one word for the year in 2018 because I was in a “waiting” season. I decided to choose to have “JOY” in all circumstances even through a difficult time. I learned many scriptures with that word in it so when I would got discouraged I would quote the scriptures over and over. I would tell Satan “You will not steal my JOY”. The song that always comes to mind is “I’ve the JOY JOY JOY JOY down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart to stay”. I hope to have each one of these this weekend…. “either laid back and restful, productive and smooth or full of sweet conversations and fun activities” and I hope you do too. ~Lisa~

    1. Thanks so much Lisa for sharing. What a beautiful example of choosing joy. You have obviously worked your chosen word into the fabric of your life this past year and allowed it to change you. That’s beautiful. ?

    2. My weekend ended up being restful. which what i needed . Im not feeling great and working with children you pick up all kinds of things. I thankful that God gave me the peace to stay home and be still. I love this talk on Joy we all need to remember Our joy comes from the Lord

  2. Have a blessed and joyful Christmas with your family, Kay! You are absolutely right….this is the time we need to be preparing our hearts for the true meaning of CHRISTmas. I plan to do just that! And don’t put unreasonable expectations on yourself. Your wonderful blog can wait! We’ll still be here.

  3. Thank you Kay for sharing yourself with us. I love this post – Joy is the foundation of so much and this was a great reminder. Take some time off – you deserve it! Wishing you and your family a blessed and very Merry Christmas!!

  4. Beautiful post Kay. And a good reminder that we must work to protect the joy that the evil one wants to prevent us from having. Have a blessed Christmas!

  5. Super post today Kay (as always)!! Freshly retired, cultivating JOY has been one of my big goals. These are fabulous ideas to ponder.
    Take a chunk of time this week to enjoy your family. We will be waiting for you when you are able to post. Blessings!

    1. Thank you for this post Kay. I look forward to your posts because they give me inspiration. Definitely take time off and enjoy visiting with your family. Have a blessed Christmas.

  6. This was just beautifully written Kay! Such a good reminder of where our joy really comes from. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  7. Joy is a tough one. The Biblical joy is not an emotional thing. Like you said, it is a choice and comes from knowing God. As an emotion, joy is just not easy. Biblical joy can happen even in horrible circumstances. I think there is a lot of confusion because we are taught from childhood about the emotion of joy. Huge difference.

  8. Merry Christmas blessings to you and your family Kay! I try to choose joy every day. It is not always easy but I do manage to find a joyful moment here and there. I am looking forward this coming week to finding that joy during Christmas Midnight Mass.

    1. Oh my. I’ve only been to one midnight Christmas Eve service. I remember it felt somewhat magical and holy. But I also remember having a hard time staying awake! ? I hope your service is lovely. We have our service at 5 pm. Blessings!
