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Father’s Day 2024 Gift Guide

Gift Ideas
June 7, 2024

Happy Friday! This year is just flying by. And honestly, Father’s Day is one of those special days that often sneaks up on me while I’m not looking. So I thought I’d pop in here today with a Father’s Day Gift Guide so that you and I are prepared when it’s time to honor some special men in our lives.

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Whether you’re looking for a special gift for your husband, father or son or son-in-law, I think you’ll find something here. In fact, my husband James and son-in-law Andrew helped me curate this gift list. Of course, these gifts are also appropriate for birthdays and anniversaries, too. I had them suggest gifts in a wide range of prices and interests. Simply click on the photo below to shop the item.

Thanks so much for stopping in. I do hope hope you have a lovely day and a beautiful weekend. Bless you!

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Blessed for My Day

Well, wouldn’t you know it. I returned home from a vacation of a lifetime feeling inspired and rejuvenated…only to get very sick days later. I spent the entire day on the sofa yesterday working my way through an entire box of tissues and coughing almost nonstop. Yuck. I’m feeling somewhat better today, but my slightly improved condition feels very tenuous. I know I need to continue to rest. 

Of course there’s never a good time to be sick. And I’ve felt so miserable I thought I might die. (I’ve always been one to assume the worst about even a minor cold.) But I a sponsored video due to the sponsor Sunday night, and there’s no way I can record that today. That’s really the least of my worries, I suppose. But I do want to get well soon, of course. Would you please pray for me? And if you’d like to leave me a comment or send me an email even, I’ll gladly pray for your need today, too. 

Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. ~ James 5:14-16

xoxo, Kay
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22 thoughts on “Father’s Day 2024 Gift Guide

  1. Kay
    Praying God’s healing touch upon you today. May you rest in peace and feel God’s presence in your life. Rest and get well. 🙏🏻

  2. Dear Precious Kay,
    I will definitely pray for you and hope you have tucked yourself into the sofa with a lovely throw and allow James to feed you Chicken soup and lemon tea. Your body is trying to “catch up” to your whirl wind pace, always thinking of others, and giving so graciously of yourself. My prayer is that you are strengthened and feel the love you have developed. Maybe start a capsule wardrobe of lounge wear and “bed to couch” attire. Hey! There are some who live this way! ❤️LeeLee

  3. Hang in there and rest up. While we miss you and are eager to hear about trip, and fashion, and life… the Lord is saying slow down and be still. It’s all good. ❤️ Praying you get to feeling better soon.

  4. Prayers for a speedy recovery, without any further complications! And as I pray, I’m also thankful this happened on the tail-end rather than the front-side of your special vacation time! It’s always good to be home when sick!!

  5. Kay, good morning.
    I don’t know if you’ve tested for Covid but I always felt like was swimming when I had it or had the vaccine. Also, one of my good friends and her husband travel quite a bit and he seems to pick up viruses and has had Covid also after an international trip.

    I’m praying that you’re healed soon and stay well. We all so appreciate your work. God bless you, my sweet friend.

  6. Praying that you’ll soon feel better. I am grateful that you were healthy during your fantastic adventure and vacation in Alaska. Sometimes a slower pace to rest is what our bodies need. May God’s strength, peace and healing hand comfort you.

  7. I’m sorry you are sick! Colds are awful!

    I will pray for you! How strange that you asked for prayer requests this week. On Tuesday I found out I have cancer in my liver. It metastasized from my uvula melanoma. Quite serious. I have a plan for care , but appreciate all the prayers your readers are willing to give.

    God is so good. It feels like He is gathering people to pray for me. He is Glorious!

  8. Hi Kay .. I’m happy to pray for your speedy & full recovery. Hope you feel better soon. Blessings to you & yours. 🙏💕🙏

  9. One of the other influencers I follow also just returned from a long cruise and immediately came down with Covid. I hope thats not what you have, but I would definitely check. It sounds miserable. I will be praying! Hope you feel better soon.

  10. I’m sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well. I went to the doctor the other day to find out I have the flu. And I hope you don’t have this. It’s the same symptoms. And i felt better yesterday. And decided to do some laundry. Well, that bit in the behind. I’m back to feeling bad today. So be careful.

  11. Hello Kay! Glad you had a wonderful trip but darn, hate you are sick! Hopefully it will be short lived and back to yourself soon. 🙏 Great list for Father’s Day! Thanks for the help. Take care!

  12. Dear Kay, I am just now recovering from a sickness of the last couple of days myself and have felt quite poorly. I feel grateful now that I am coming out of it and beginning to feel like my old self. I wish the same for you a speedy recovery and a quick return to normal blessings to you, my friend, Charlotte

  13. Kay,
    My prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.
    [My husband suffered with a horrible cough from drainage related to a sinus infection. When he FINALLY saw the Dr., after dealing with it for 6 weeks, she gave him an antibiotic and medicine to curb the cough at night. He (and I) we not getting much. Anyway, it cleared up in about 2-3 days and he was back to normal within a week.]
    So I recommend, if it lingers longer than 2 weeks, get with your Dr. But I am not implying that is what is going on with you, just something to watch for, if it lingers. However, we will trust God that he will raise you up and totally restore you to good health!
    Amen. Love you, Janie
